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Brooklyn Magazine

Inside the Home...

Brooklyn Magazine

Inside the Home of …

“Headlines are hard. Take this story, for example. The headline as written is pretty straightforward and totally self-explanatory. You areabout to go on a home tour of the art-filled, beautifully designed Fort Greene home that HGTV Star finalist, POD Design founder, and New Jersey Institute of Technology professor Brooks Atwood and his lovely wife Estelle Nichols Atwood (who has long worked in fashion, including, among other places, at Zero Maria Cornejo) share with their dog, Sissy. So, basically, that’s all in the headline, right? But when writing about such a fun and vibrant space, which just happens to be occupied and put together by two of the more fun and vibrant people you’ll ever meet, you want to do better. Other ideas were tossed around: “Design Like a Rock Star” (something that Brooks says, not infrequently) or “At Home with Beauty and the Weird Beard” (an early favorite, but in the end, too vague) or “Out of the Gutter and Into a Brownstone” (a reference to where the couple first met) or, well, the more unorthodox titular possibilities are endless. Which is why, ultimately, I decided to go with simple. Because, really, with a home like this and people like Brooks and Estelle, you don’t need to do anything but step back and let the surroundings make things come to life.”

read the full article here: Inside the Home of…