The Project Scope Listening Lab Studio is an audio, video & architectural installation for hearing and perception testing. The Listening Studio consists of an audio and video installation used as an audio test within a custom designed laboratory space. It is a project created through collaboration between POD Design and sound designer and artist Daniel Perlin. […]
- e 11/01/2012
- f sailor
- 4 Immersive Design, Interiors, Portfolio, Slider
- JAudiology, Environment, Hearing, immersive, interactive environment, listening lab, listening studio, New York Times, Research, UX/UI
- e 11/01/2012
- f sailor
- 4 Immersive Design, Interiors, Portfolio, Slider
- JAudiology, Environment, Hearing, immersive, interactive environment, listening lab, listening studio, New York Times, Research, UX/UI
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