The Project Scope
Textile & Wallpaper designs
We love patterns.
We love geometries.
We love dazzle camo (unusual navy ship camouflage techniques).
Combine all those and you get our new textile and wallpaper patterns. Think, “how can I hide a naval war ship in World War I?” and this is for you!
What is it? It’s complex patterns of geometric shapes in contrasting colours, interrupting and intersecting each other.
Big. Bold. Geometric. War ship camauflage.
ps dazzle works not by offering concealment but by making it difficult to estimate a target’s range, speed and heading.
The Project Data
Type Textiles
Size –
Status completed 2013
Size –
Status completed 2013
Location Brooklyn, NY
Principal Brooks Atwood
Project Team Marguerite Lefevre, Stevie Meder
Principal Brooks Atwood
Project Team Marguerite Lefevre, Stevie Meder